Friday 1 February 2013

Welcome to our travel blog

What started out to be a diary of our trip for ourselves and a few family and friends, has now grown to have quite a few regular readers and new followers are being added at most places that we visit.

As a new reader, you might like to start at the beginning by clicking on the January 2013 heading in the archive list to the right of this page, and working your way down the list from there.

I will add your email address to my blog readers list, that way you will be notified every time there is a new post.  
By clicking the link I send you in the email, you will be taken directly to the newest post. 

Don't forget that we would love to hear from you as well so a return email would be great or a note in the comment section of the blog page would work just as well.

If you get sick of hearing from us, let me know and I will delete your email address from my blog update list.

John and Judy Schulze